Yuen Kin To

Yuen Kin To

Senior Animation Director

Senior Animator with rich experience.

Enjoy yet escape creative production. Both love and hate techniques. Enjoy yet feel scared of being pushed on the edge of cliff.
-1995 《說文解字 Mean Meaning》
第一屆IFVA動畫組銀獎1st IFVA Animation Category – Silver Award

-1996 《球迷奇遇記 Foulball》
第二屆IFVA動畫組銀獎1st IFVA Animation Category – Silver Award

-1997 《麥嘜動畫電視版 Mcmug TV Animation》

-2001 《麥兜故事 My Life As Mcdull》
Won the Best Movie Award of Annecy International Animated Film Festival and Market (MIFA) and Best Animated Feature Film in 2003

-2004 《麥兜:菠蘿油王子 Mcdull : Prince De La Bun》

-2010 《長江7號愛地球 CJ7 : The Animation》